I Must Have It
Rene Furterer Triphasic Anti-Hair Loss Ritual Treatment 12x5ml
Rene Furterer Triphasic Anti-Hair Loss Ritual Treatment 12x5ml
*Pfaffia extract *Pfaffia or Brazilian ginseng comes from Amazon and is one of the most famous plants of traditional medicine. As an elixir of life, this mythical active ingredient provides the hair optimally with important substances for healthy growth and active blood circulation by stimulating the growth factor VEGF. Its effect in hair loss is patented. *Active ingredient of natural origin Lotus Mineral Complex *This complex is a combination of the blue lotus (Nymphaea caerulea) and white lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) from South East Asia (Laos, India, Sumatra...) and magnesium salt. Its effect on the inflammation path, limits the effects of cell stress and maintains the balance of the scalp. *Lemon Essential Oil